Solar Eclipse 2023

Solar Eclipse 2023: Date, Timings, and Dos and Don’ts for the ‘Kankan Suryagrahan’

The celestial spectacle that is a solar eclipse is set to grace the skies once again in 2023. Solar eclipse 2023 hold immense significance, blending both scientific wonder and religious beliefs. This year, stargazers and enthusiasts will be treated to the ‘Kankan Suryagrahan,’ the second solar eclipse of the year. To help you prepare for this extraordinary event, we bring you the essential details you need to know.

Mark Your Calendar – Surya Grahan 2023 Date: The eagerly awaited ‘Kankan Suryagrahan’ will unfold on the 14th of October 2023. Set your alarms as this cosmic marvel will last for approximately 5 minutes. It promises to captivate viewers in various regions, including North America (with a few exceptions), Canada, British Virgin Islands, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Barbados, Peru, Uruguay, Antigua, Venezuela, Jamaica, Haiti, Paraguay, Brazil, Dominica, Bahamas, and more.

Timings for the Spectacle: Plan your evening skywatching session with precision, thanks to Astrotalk’s timings:

  • Partial Solar eclipse beginning: 08:33 PM
  • Full Solar eclipse beginning: 09:40 PM
  • Maximum annular Solar eclipse: 11:29 PM
  • Full eclipse ending: 01:18 AM
  • Partial eclipse ending: 02:25 AM

Sutak Kaal and Solar Eclipse 2023:

According to ancient scriptures, a sacred period known as ‘Sutak’ commences 12 hours before a solar eclipse and extends until the eclipse concludes. On 14th October, the ‘Sutak’ period will initiate at 8:33 AM. During this time, it is advisable to refrain from conducting rituals, touching idols, or visiting temples, as they remain closed to devotees.

Dos and Don’ts During the Solar Eclipse: A solar eclipse brings with it a set of dos and don’ts, guided by age-old wisdom and astrology:

  • Avoid Sleeping: Elders and those unwell should resist the urge to sleep during the eclipse, as it is believed to have adverse health effects.
  • Abstain from Eating and Cooking: Consuming food during this celestial event may have long-term health consequences, so it’s best to avoid cooking or eating.
  • Avoid Auspicious Tasks: Refrain from initiating auspicious activities such as property transactions or scheduling muhurats, as they may bring inauspicious outcomes.
  • Respect Deities: Touching or worshipping deities during the eclipse is discouraged. After the eclipse, cleanse and purify everything before offering prayers.
  • Tulsi Plant: The sacred Tulsi plant should not be watered or touched during the eclipse as it holds special significance in astrology.
  • Pregnant Women Precautions: Expecting mothers should stay indoors, avoiding direct Sun exposure and eclipse viewing.

As the ‘Kankan Suryagrahan’ approaches, remember to follow these guidelines for a safe and auspicious experience. It’s an opportunity to witness the marvels of the cosmos while respecting age-old traditions and beliefs.

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