Weight Loss

Boost Your Metabolism: 10 Indian Foods for Faster Weight Loss

Are you struggling with your weight loss journey due to a sluggish metabolism? Your metabolism plays a crucial role in how your body absorbs nutrients and sheds those extra pounds. An optimal metabolism ensures that you make the most of what you eat, converting it into energy for various bodily functions. However, metabolism can slow down with age and may also be influenced by genetic factors. When your metabolism is sluggish, your body struggles to burn calories, leading to weight gain. The good news is that you can boost your metabolism with some dietary changes.

Dietitian Manpreet Kalra shares her top picks for foods that can help rev up your metabolism:

  1. Soaked Almonds
    • Starting your day with soaked almonds can give your metabolism a much-needed kickstart. Almonds contain magnesium, which plays a role in energy metabolism and the release of enzymes like lipase that enhance the process.
  2. Copper Vessel Water
    • Research confirms that copper aids in burning fat. Drinking water from a copper vessel can ease the digestion process by breaking down accumulated fat. It can also boost energy production and improve metabolism.
  3. Protein-Rich Breakfast
    • If you’re looking to shed pounds, consider incorporating a protein-rich breakfast into your routine. Protein increases metabolism through the thermic effect of food (TEF). Include items like milk, eggs, paneer, soy, and lentils in your diet for a metabolism boost.
  4. Black Pepper
    • Add black pepper to your salads, soups, and curries to get your daily dose of piperine, which has thermogenic properties. This means it can rev up your metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories.
  5. Warm Glass of Water
    • Sipping on warm water throughout the day can give your metabolism a boost. In fact, research from 2003 suggests that switching from cold water to hot water can support weight loss by increasing metabolism by up to 30 percent.
  6. Cinnamon
    • Enhance your green tea with a pinch of cinnamon to increase antioxidant levels, which in turn aid metabolism. Cinnamaldehyde, an essential oil in cinnamon, has been shown to assist in burning fat.
  7. Physical Activity
    • Regular physical activity is a key factor in boosting metabolism. Incorporate both cardiovascular workouts (like walking, jogging, and cycling for 30-40 minutes daily) and strength training (weight lifting for 3-4 hours per week) into your routine.
  8. Cardamom Tea
    • Enjoying cardamom tea after lunch can be highly effective in boosting metabolism. It also improves digestion and aids in reducing belly fat.
  9. Fasting
    • Intermittent fasting has been proven effective in boosting metabolism and aiding weight loss. Maintain a 12-14 hour gap between your last meal of the day and your first meal the next day to support detoxification and digestion.
  10. Ajwain Saunth Laddoo
    • These laddoos, made with dry ginger powder, ajwain seeds, and jaggery, can be a delightful way to boost your metabolism. Simply prepare small portions and enjoy one before lunch or dinner.

By incorporating these Indian foods into your diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can kickstart your metabolism and make progress on your weight loss journey. Say goodbye to a sluggish metabolism and hello to a healthier, more energetic you!

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